Saturday, 16 September 2017


I'm sorry that this blog hasn't been updated recently, I have been very busy and have had trouble with my laptop.


Marton - we need your apples!!! Please keep watching, as over the next couple of weeks (on a date to be confirmed) we will be able to take any apples to the Kirbymoorside juicing project. The juice is then sold & the profits given to the village hall!!!!
Keep collecting & storing your apples and please let your neighbours know!

At Last!

Take a look at the events page for information on the next fun evening to be held at The Village Hall.
New photos add to the Garden Club page of this Years Show!

WOW! This year the profit made from the show is a huge £1,221.75 !!!!!!! An incredible amount! This will be shared equally between the village hall, the community area & the garden club .