Wednesday 26 July 2017

Please have a look around this blog and email any additional information you would like adding, to

Village Show information poster is displayed on The Events page.

The Show Schedule/classes are listed under the Garden Club Page, just in case you lose your copies.

Friday 14 July 2017

Running for the Loo!

  Well Done to Charlotte!

Hi Everyone,
As you may know the village hall committee are trying hard to raise £3,000 needed to completely replace & update the village hall toilets and to install hot running water. As well as asking other local groups to contribute to the funds I'm also going to be doing my bit. On Sunday 6th August I will be running the York 10k, I have never done it before (may never do it again!) and in January of this year I couldn't run for 1 minute, so 10k in a
August will be an achievement in itself!! I will be asking for sponsors and over the weekend I will put sponsor forms on the noticeboards in Marton & Normanby, please give whatever you can, as soon as we have the money the work can start. ðŸš½ðŸš½ðŸš½
Many thanks
Village Hall Chairperson 
Any monies may be dropped through Charlotte's Letterbox at Taymer Lodge clearly marked as Sponsorship Money.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Needed oddments of wool, DK, Chunky or Aran.  This is for the Children's Activity Day on Thursday 24th of August, to make entries for the Village Show.  Please pass on to Sue Allanby or Kat Smith.

Sunday 9 July 2017

Summer Show

The Summer Show is on Saturday 26th August from 2.30pm onwards. There will be a BBQ, bar, stalls, and this year games for children. The raffle prizes include vouchers for Groovy Moo & Castle Howard.
There is a Show meeting on Monday 10th July at 7pm in the village hall to finalise plans, hope to see you there.

Saturday 1 July 2017

This is a work in progress!  I hope it is of interest to residents and visitors to our village. 

Any info you need adding, please send to